Fire Pit Table

How to start a fire in a fire pit
Enjoying your garden space is something that every homeowner wants. Whether it’s basking in the satisfaction of nurturing plants grown from seed, or simply having somewhere to sit out and enjoy the nice weather while you can. Even when the sun has gone down and the stars come out to...

Everything You Need To Know About Fire Pit Tables
If you love to watch the crackling fire when camping, you could bring the same experience to your home. Some people think it’s not practical to have a campfire or fire pit in their home, but what if you get one with a table around it? Besides providing you comforting...

Are Propane Fire Tables Safe?
Safety First Safety should be one of your top priorities when installing a fire feature. With that in mind, here are some quick answers to some common fire pit and fire table safety questions we receive. Are Propane Fire Tables Safe? Absolutely. As long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.We’re...

DIY Fire Pit Ideas: How to Build a Fire Pit
A homemade fire pit allows you to enjoy your outdoor living area year round, even during winter. Our videos show you how to build a fire pit and three different fire pit ideas. Building a Fire Pit The basic steps for building a fire pit are similar no matter which...