Air Hockey

How to Fix Bubbles on Air Hockey Table?
WHY DO YOU NEED TO FIX BUBBLES ON AIR HOCKEY TABLE? If you know about an air hockey table’s amazing mechanism, you should discover the tiny holes on the tables. From that hole, the air passes through and gives the ball a motion to play smoothly. For having airflow, you...

How to Clean an Air Hockey Table | A Step By Step Guide
Cleaning an air hockey table is not as easy as you think because it requires some methods. In this article, you will learn how to clean an air hockey table. Air hockey isn’t only very amusing. It also helps develop hand-eye management and sharpens the reflexes, and a spirited sport...

An air hockey table can be one of the best choices for a game room at a bar, restaurant, arcade, or even in your own home. You only need two players, and the game is simple enough that kids and adults alike can enjoy it. Plus, keeping score is fun...

How Air Hockey Tables Work?
Air hockey tables are fun for everyone regardless of whether you’re young or old, a boy or girl, an athlete or not. It’s fun, exciting, and easy to play. So how do these tables magically skate pucks across the board? It’s a fairly simple set up that gives air hockey...

How to Play Air Hockey: A Beginner’s Guide
If you’re looking to learn how to play air hockey, you’re in the right place. We’ll break down what you need to play, the basic rules, and some tips to help you look like a pro. With this helpful guide, you’ll know how to play air hockey in no time. What You...